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………….Photos: Dieter Hartwig

Isabelle Schad WITH

The book is an asset. It complements the presence on stage with an exciting show of her choreographies from the past decade. Photography and the written word are combined to great effect. Not only is the eye fed, but also the brain.
H.S. Elgund

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Isabelle Schad WITH is a book which compiles the last ten years of artistic work by the choreographer Isabelle Schad. The idea, time and resources for this undertaking arose in the exceptional condition of suspension dictated by the pandemic: at a time when theatres and rehearsal space became suddenly inaccessible, when it wasn’t possible to work as usual, we decided to explore new possibilities and modes of operating, to delve into a ‘new space’ inhabited by language, images and new and long-term collaborators.

Editors: Elena Basteri, Annette Lux, Isabelle Schad with Heiko Schramm

With texts by: Elena Basteri, Saša Božić, Susanne Foellmer, Laurent Goldring, Przemek Kamiński, Andrej Mirčev, Bruno Pocheron, Isabelle Schad, Annemie Vanackere, Gerhard Walter, Gabriele Wittmann  

Graphic design: HIT
Year: 2022
Language: English / German
280 pages
Price: 28€
ISBN 978-3-00-073919-4

Edited by Elena Basteri, Annette Lux and Isabelle Schad  | Editorial collaboration by Heiko Schramm  |  Designed by HIT | Texts by Elena Basteri, Saša Božić, Susanne Foellmer, Laurent Goldring, Przemek Kamiński, Andrej Mirčev, Bruno Pocheron, Isabelle Schad, Annemie Vanackere, Gerhard Walter, Gabriele Wittmann  | Copy-editing and translation by Michael Turnbull (English), Rike Nölting (German) | Printing and production: Druckerei Rüss, Potsdam | Supported by Bureau Ritter/ TANZPAKT RECONNECT, which is funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiatives

Introduction to a choreographer’s book
Elena Basteri

This book compiles the last ten years of artistic work by the choreographer Isabelle Schad. The idea, time and resources for this undertaking arose in the exceptional condition of suspension dictated by the pandemic: at a time when theatres and rehearsal space became suddenly inaccessible, when it wasn’t possible to work as usual, we decided to explore new possibilities and modes of operating, to delve into a ‘new space’ inhabited by language, images and new and long-term collaborators.
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Isabelle Schad. Monografie.
Von Arnd Wesemann, erschien in Tanz, März 2023

Es ist zwanzig Jahre her, dass die Choreografin Isabelle Schad in Berlin die Kompanie Good Work Productions gründete. Jetzt sind die letzten zehn Jahre ihres Schaffens in ein opulentes Buch geflossen – meisterlich fotografiert von Dieter Hartwig, Laurent Goldring und Schad selbst. Die beinahe kubistische Architektur ihres Tanzwerks ist von verführerischer Schönheit, unter deren Oberfläche nicht nur ein Rückblick etwa auf die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Philosophen und Künstler Goldring möglich wird (letztens erst im Schweizer Muzeum Susch geehrt). Dank namhafter Autorinnen wie Gabriele Wittmann und Susanne Foellmer im Gespräch mit Schad zeigt sich genau das, was die Kunst der ehemaligen Stuttgarter Balletttänzerin heute ausmacht: ihre präzise Analyse von Bewegungen, um in Soli und Gruppen Körperlandschaften zu erzeugen. Körperlandschaften, die voller Energie, zugleich spürbar durchdacht und fein gemacht, das Publikum dazu animieren, stets leicht vorgebeugt feinsinnige, an Body-Mind Centering, Aikido und Shiatsu geübte Tanzereignisse zu goutieren. Vorgebeugt statt zurückgelehnt mit verschränkten Armen: Genau diese Haltung nimmt man auch ein vor diesen von der Kuratorin und Dramaturgin Elena Basteri kompilierten 288 Seiten, einem Bildvergnügen samt zweisprachigen Innenansichten mit Tiefgang.


Isabelle Schad. Monograph.
By Arnd Wesemann, published in Tanz, March 2023.

Choreographer Isabelle Schad founded Good Work Productions in Berlin twenty years ago. Now the last ten years of her work have been collected in an opulent book – masterfully photographed by Dieter Hartwig, Laurent Goldring and Schad herself. The almost cubist architecture of her dance work is of seductive beauty beneath the surface of which it is possible to look back at her collaboration with the philosopher and artist Goldring (recently honoured at the Swiss Muzeum Susch). And thanks to renowned authors such as Gabriele Wittmann and Susanne Foellmer in conversation with Schad, it becomes clear exactly what the art of the former Stuttgart ballet dancer is today: her precise analysis of movement to create body landscapes in solos and groups. Body landscapes that are full of energy, but at the same time noticeably well thought-out and finely crafted, encourage the audience to appreciate dance events that are always slightly bent forward and subtle, practised in body-mind centering, aikido and shiatsu. Leaning forward instead of sitting back with arms folded. And this is also the stance one takes to these 288 pages, compiled by the curator and dramaturge Elena Basteri, a visual delight with thoughtful inside views in two languages.

H. S. Eglund on and BERG.LINK (German)

Isabelle Schad WITH: Printing Dance, Describing Dance
Recently, the Berlin choreographer’s dance brigade fits between two book covers. Shortly before the end of the year, a retrospective of her work was published, looking back over the last ten years. The numerous projects fill much more than just pages. A recommendation.
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