Isabelle Schad & Laurent Goldring, “Personne With Voice”.
29 April 2023, Radialsystem, Hall
When does the performance even begin? At the very back right, a figure whose aura reaches all the way across the stage arrives in the front row (where I am sitting), and I wonder if it is someone from the theatre overlooking the entrance. The forearms, which seem to keep their distance from the body, are striking; they look a bit like the wings of a bird sunbathing.
It takes time for everyone to be seated, for the buzz and murmur of footsteps and half-loud voices to cease. The light on the stage remains dim and the figure slowly comes forward to half centre stage. I still perceive someone ordering or overlooking.
But that was all part of the performance. It has begun even before we come from the glass foyer into the hall lined with black curtains.
And even though the buzzing and murmuring of the audience subsides, a strange, earthy sound remains. As if an amplifier had been forgotten.
But that too is part of the performance. I keep asking myself where the sounds are coming from, from the acting figure on stage, whether it is actually her voice we are hearing or a soundtrack? Even when I recognise the black wool-jacketed microphone, I ask myself this. Because a lot of it is not voice or breathing sounds. But much is not movement at all, but only a sense of movement, or the remnant of a larger movement that has taken place somewhere, sometime, without us seeing it. Nevertheless, it is there. The aura of movement more than the motor event itself.
When did this dancing begin? When did we start watching? What is happening in the face that remains mostly hidden, in a kind of holy absorption?
The pelvis is actually not recognisable in the wide black trouser dress, yet it has the main role, because the constant balancing, the straightening, the stabilisation, the grounding take place there, that is clearly recognisable. But by what?
The forearms, the hands, the hair also shine out of the twilight in which the movement flows. Nevertheless, they step back, listen to the energy as we do, become pendulums of a greater power than they themselves have.
The person I see, the voice I hear, the scraping too (at some point, I just believe it’s all live), the space I feel. But the movement remains within itself, with itself, in the current of its own constant emergence.
Franz Anton Cramer